
Both And Podcast
#44 Q&A, Hiatus & the Future
Both And Podcast
Jason & I talk about Both/And's hiatus, the sensemaking web, memetic mediation, locality, spirituality, our friendship, politics, the future & more.
Both And Podcast
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Vajrayana Now, Online Workshop
I co-hosted a Stoa session about spiritual practice stances (yanas) with my friend & teacher, Charlie Awbery.
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Podcast Interview
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Podcast Interview
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with Jared Janes Podcast
002: building bridges
with Jared Janes Podcast
I talk about collaboration & mediation in ideological times, and committing to personal & collective development.
with Jared Janes Podcast
Both And Podcast
#43 Embracing the Dark
Both And Podcast
We talk with the Light Dark Institute founder, Leslie Rogers about his dark awakening, light vs dark personal work, mythopoetic power, collapse, death, pain as pleasure, & more.
I expand on the previous episodes by talking about the hero's journey, personal development, and the role of the mediator.